Welcome to the August 23rd, 2015 service podcast.

The sermon, given by Pastor Gary, begins at about minute 37:51.

Special Baptism Service and Annual Picnic at Lake Siog

Order of Service:
Prelude – Amazing Grace My Chains are Gone
Welcome and Greetings
Call To Worship #762 Jesus on Baptism
Special Music – Down to the River to Pray
Invocation and Lord’s Prayer (debt/debtors)
Gloria Patri #805
Unison Prayer #553 Paul Prays for New Christians
Special Music/Hymn of Praise #687 Shall We Gather at the River
Invitations to Tithes & Offerings
Anthem – The Promised Land – Sandy Beaudry
Doxology & Prayer of Dedication
Children’s Time – Worship
Congregational Response #817
Hymn of Preparation #542 Near To The Heart of God
Morning Message – “Baptism”
Invitation to come and accept the Invitation to Baptism
Hymn of Parting – I’ll Fly Away
August 23, 2015 Service Podcast – Baptism Service and Annual Picnic

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