Welcome to the September 6th, 2015 service podcast.

The sermon, given by Pastor Gary, begins at about minute 40:00.

Order of Service:

Prelude – Mighty to Save

Welcome & Greetings

Call To Worship

Invocation and Lord’s Prayer (Debts/Debtors)

Gloria Patri (#805)

Hymn of Praise #2 Holy Holy Holy Lord God Almighty

Invitation to Tithes & Offerings

Anthem – Give them all to Jesus

Doxology & Prayer of Dedication

Children’s Time – Worship

Congregational Response #817

“Hear our prayer, O Lord; hear our prayer, O Lord: incline Thine ear to us, and grant us thy peace. Amen”

Hymn of Preparation #630 Come by Here (Hun Ba Yah)

Prayer Time

Scripture Reading:#763 Jesus with the Children

Morning Message: Dedication (Jeremiah Dusok)

Communion Service: #796: communion service: Call to Worship

Hymn: #776: Let us break bread together

Deacons Fund Offering

Reading of the Church Covenant

Communion Prayer

The Sharing of the Service of Communion

Blessing of the children and special prayer requests

Hymn of Parting #782 Come Share the Lord

Benediction & Choral Amen


September 6th, 2015 Service Podcast

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