Welcome to the November 1st, 2015 service podcast.

Morning message starts at ~37:00 by Pastor Gary

Order of Service:


Welcome & Greetings

Call To Worship: 644 God, Whose Giving Knows No Ending

Hymn of Praise #635 He Leadeth Me, O Blessed Thought

Invocation and Lord’s Prayer (Debts/Debtors)

Gloria Patri (#805)

Invitation to Tithes & Offerings

Anthem – Knights in White Satin

Doxology & Prayer of Dedication

Children’s Time – Karen Kibbe

Congregational Response #817

“Hear our prayer, O Lord; hear our prayer, O Lord: incline Thine ear to us, and grant us thy peace. Amen”

Scripture Reading: Deut.: 2:1-3, Isaiah 43: 16-19

Hymn of Preparation #679 When We All Get to Heaven

Morning Message: Re-Setting Our Clocks

785 Salutation

Communion Service: #769: Communion Service: Call to Worship

Hymn: #776: Let us break bread together

Deacons Fund Offering

Reading of the Church Covenant

Communion Prayer

787 Words of the Institution

The Sharing of the Service of Communion, Distribution of the elements

Prayers of intersession and prayers for the children

Hymn of Parting: #788 There’s A Quiet Understanding

Benediction & Choral Amen


November 1st, 2015 Service Podcast

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