Welcome to the November 22nd, 2015 service podcast.

Morning message starts at ~60:00 by Joel Jette

Order of Service:

Prelude – Find Us Faithful

Welcome & Greetings

Heroes of the church from the beginning – Ed Boyce

Call To Worship – What is a Hero?

Scripture: Gideon: Judges 6:11-16

Invocation and Lord’s Prayer (Debts/Debtors)

Gloria Patri (#805)

Hymn: #242 In The Garden

Recognition of Heroes 30 plus years

Special Music: Sandy Beaudry

Invitation to Tithes & Offerings

Anthem – Heroes (Susan Hubbell Whyte)

Doxology & Prayer of Dedication

Children’s Time – Pastor Gary

Hymn of Preparation #502 Amazing Grace

Scripture: Matthew 22:36-40, Galatians 5:22

Morning Message: Heroes (A Message of Love) Joel Jette

Hymn of Parting: Find Us Faithful (handout)

Benediction & Choral Amen


November 22nd, 2015 Service Podcast

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